After being notified Wednesday, two days prior to the start of the SNY Invitational, that Long Island University was no longer available to us, we worked through the night to come up with what we believed was a viable plan to move the event to St Raymond High School for Boys. Unfortunately, as the details related to the large expected crowd and complex logistics became more clear, it was determined that St. Raymond’s facility could not adequately accommodate an event of this size on 24 hours notice.
While we regret the outcome – we are committed to making sure the four schools and all of the deserving Tri-State Area students receive their promised funding and scholarships. We are disappointed this year’s tournament will not take place and apologize for any inconvenience this causes the teams, their fans and our corporate partners. We are committed to the SNY Invitational maintaining its position in the community and it is our intent to pick up where we left off in 2013.