Cat Barber Remains Cool After Getting Pushed by Miami Fan | Zagsblog
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Adam Zagoria covers basketball at all levels. He is the author of two books and an award-winning journalist whose articles have appeared in ESPN The Magazine, SLAM, Sheridan Hoops, Sports Illustrated, Basketball Times and in newspapers nationwide.
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Sunday / September 8.
  • Cat Barber Remains Cool After Getting Pushed by Miami Fan

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    Good job by N.C. State’s Cat Barber for staying calm, cool and collected after this idiotic Miami fan shoved him near the sideline during Miami’s 65-60 victory Thursday night.

    The incident occurred in the closing seconds of the game. As Barber walked near the sideline, a fan at BankUnited Center gave him a light shove.

    Given what happened with Marcus Smart at Oklahoma State, this thing could’ve gotten ugly. But Barber remained calm. He turned around and appeared to engage the fan verbally, but it didn’t escalate.

    “Glad I kept my cool tonight smh…” he Tweeted.

    He added: “I’ve been though a lot these last few Couple of days and been trying to stay strong I appreciate everybody means a lot HONEST..”

    According to Matt Porter of the Palm Beach Post, “UM coach Jim Larranaga apologized to NC State coach Mark Gottfried in the hallway after a fan pushed NCSU’s Cat Barber.”

    Meantime, that Miami fan should never be allowed into another game at BankUnited Center.

    Sources said Miami is looking into the situation.

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    Written by

    [email protected]

    Adam Zagoria is a Basketball Insider who covers basketball at all levels. A contributor to The New York Times and SportsNet New York (SNY), he is also the author of two books and is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker. His articles have appeared in ESPN The Magazine, SLAM, Sheridan Hoops, Basketball Times and in newspapers nationwide. He also won an Emmy award for his work on the SNY mini-documentary on Syracuse guard Tyus Battle. A veteran Ultimate Frisbee player, he has competed in numerous National and World Championships and, perhaps more importantly, his teams won the Westchester Summer League (WSL) championships in 2011 and 2013. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and children.

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